Machine Learning

Keith Dillon
Fall 2018


Topic 2: Python Tools - Jupyter, Numpy/SciPy, SkLearn (and Matplotlib)

Outline: Leading Python tools:

  1. Jupyter - "notebooks" for inline code + LaTex math + markup, etc.

  2. NumPy - low-level array & matrix handling and algorithms

  3. SciPy - higher level numerical algorithms (still fairly basic)

  4. Matplotlib - matlab-style plotting & image display

  5. SkLearn - (Scikit-learn) Machine Learning library

  6. Today's lab: installing tools

Jupyter Notebooks

A single document containing a series of "cells". Each containing code which can be run, or images and other documentation.

  • Run a cell via [shift] + [Enter] or "play" button in the menu.

Will execute code and display result below, or render markup etc.

In [4]:
import datetime

print("This code is run right now (" + str( + ")")

This code is run right now (2018-08-30 19:22:01.852213)
In [5]:


First project: get Jupyter running and be able to import listed tools

Easiest to install via Anaconda. Preferrably Python 3.

In [ ]:
conda install numpy scipy scikit-learn jupyter matplotlib 

Many other packages. E.g. pandas.

Python Help Tips

  • Get help on a function or object via [shift] + [tab] after the opening parenthesis function(
  • Can also get help by executing function?


Numerical algorithm toolbox, similar to Matlab. Many key differences, such as zero-based indexing (like C) instead of one-based (like math texts).

Arrays - special data structure which allows direct and efficient linear algebra manipulations.

In [5]:
import numpy as np

x = np.array([2,0,1,8])

[2 0 1 8]

Fast Numerical Mathematics

In [1]:
l = range(1000)
%timeit [i ** 2 for i in l]
362 µs ± 34.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
In [2]:
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(1000)
%timeit a ** 2
2.73 µs ± 342 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

NumPy for Matlab Users

In [4]:
Help on built-in function array in module numpy.core.multiarray:

    array(object, dtype=None, copy=True, order='K', subok=False, ndmin=0)
    Create an array.
    object : array_like
        An array, any object exposing the array interface, an object whose
        __array__ method returns an array, or any (nested) sequence.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        The desired data-type for the array.  If not given, then the type will
        be determined as the minimum type required to hold the objects in the
        sequence.  This argument can only be used to 'upcast' the array.  For
        downcasting, use the .astype(t) method.
    copy : bool, optional
        If true (default), then the object is copied.  Otherwise, a copy will
        only be made if __array__ returns a copy, if obj is a nested sequence,
        or if a copy is needed to satisfy any of the other requirements
        (`dtype`, `order`, etc.).
    order : {'K', 'A', 'C', 'F'}, optional
        Specify the memory layout of the array. If object is not an array, the
        newly created array will be in C order (row major) unless 'F' is
        specified, in which case it will be in Fortran order (column major).
        If object is an array the following holds.
        ===== ========= ===================================================
        order  no copy                     copy=True
        ===== ========= ===================================================
        'K'   unchanged F & C order preserved, otherwise most similar order
        'A'   unchanged F order if input is F and not C, otherwise C order
        'C'   C order   C order
        'F'   F order   F order
        ===== ========= ===================================================
        When ``copy=False`` and a copy is made for other reasons, the result is
        the same as if ``copy=True``, with some exceptions for `A`, see the
        Notes section. The default order is 'K'.
    subok : bool, optional
        If True, then sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise
        the returned array will be forced to be a base-class array (default).
    ndmin : int, optional
        Specifies the minimum number of dimensions that the resulting
        array should have.  Ones will be pre-pended to the shape as
        needed to meet this requirement.
    out : ndarray
        An array object satisfying the specified requirements.
    See Also
    empty, empty_like, zeros, zeros_like, ones, ones_like, full, full_like
    When order is 'A' and `object` is an array in neither 'C' nor 'F' order,
    and a copy is forced by a change in dtype, then the order of the result is
    not necessarily 'C' as expected. This is likely a bug.
    >>> np.array([1, 2, 3])
    array([1, 2, 3])
    >>> np.array([1, 2, 3.0])
    array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])
    More than one dimension:
    >>> np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    array([[1, 2],
           [3, 4]])
    Minimum dimensions 2:
    >>> np.array([1, 2, 3], ndmin=2)
    array([[1, 2, 3]])
    Type provided:
    >>> np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=complex)
    array([ 1.+0.j,  2.+0.j,  3.+0.j])
    Data-type consisting of more than one element:
    >>> x = np.array([(1,2),(3,4)],dtype=[('a','<i4'),('b','<i4')])
    >>> x['a']
    array([1, 3])
    Creating an array from sub-classes:
    >>> np.array(np.mat('1 2; 3 4'))
    array([[1, 2],
           [3, 4]])
    >>> np.array(np.mat('1 2; 3 4'), subok=True)
    matrix([[1, 2],
            [3, 4]])

Will cover more next class


Implements higher-level scientific algorithms using NumPy. Examples:

  • Integration (scipy.integrate)
  • Optimization (scipy.optimize)
  • Interpolation (scipy.interpolate)
  • Signal Processing (scipy.signal)
  • Linear Algebra (scipy.linalg)
  • Statistics (scipy.stats)
  • File IO (
In [3]:
import scipy
In [4]:


Tutorial from:

Another important part of machine learning is the visualization of data. The most common tool for this in Python is matplotlib. It is an extremely flexible package, and we will go over some basics here.

Jupyter hass built-in "magic functions", the "matoplotlib inline" mode, which will draw the plots directly inside the notebook. Should be on by default.

In [16]:
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Plotting a line
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x));
In [17]:
# Scatter-plot points
x = np.random.normal(size=500)
y = np.random.normal(size=500)
plt.scatter(x, y);
In [18]:
# Showing images using imshow
# - note that origin is at the top-left by default!

x = np.linspace(1, 12, 100)
y = x[:, np.newaxis]

im = y * np.sin(x) * np.cos(y)

(100, 100)
In [19]:
# Contour plots 
# - note that origin here is at the bottom-left by default!
In [20]:
# 3D plotting
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y.ravel())
ax.plot_surface(xgrid, ygrid, im,, cstride=2, rstride=2, linewidth=0);

There are many more plot types available. See matplotlib gallery.

Test these examples: copy the Source Code link, and put it in a notebook using the %load magic. For example:

In [21]:
# %load


Considered leading Machine Learning toolbox.

Many Machine Learning functions.

Couple dozen core developers + hundreds of other contributors.

2011 tutorial has over 10,000 citations.

"Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python", Fabian Pedregosa, Gaël Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort, Vincent Michel, Bertrand Thirion, Olivier Grisel, Mathieu Blondel, Peter Prettenhofer, Ron Weiss, Vincent Dubourg, Jake Vanderplas, Alexandre Passos, David Cournapeau, Matthieu Brucher, Matthieu Perrot, Édouard Duchesnay; 12(Oct):2825−2830, 2011

In [36]:
import sklearn as sk


In this class:

We will emphasize the use of these tools to run algorithms rather than on ability to derive and code methods (which would require significantly more prerequisite abilities).

We will focus on the key issues in using machine learning methods in practical applications, such as loading data, preprocessing, validation, and determining which method to use.

Lab: get this stuff running!