Unstructured Data & Natural Language Processing

Keith Dillon
Spring 2020


Topic 10: Sequence-to-Sequence networks

This topic:

  1. seq2seq
  2. Sequence optimality
  3. Applications


  • J&M Chapter 10 (Encoder-Decoder Models, Attention, and Contextual Em-beddings)
  • Young et al, "Recent trends in deep learning based natural language processing" 2018
  • Sebastian Ruder, "A Review of the Neural History of Natural Language Processing" 2018

Sequence-to-sequence models

Sutskever et al 2014: sequence-to-sequence learning

A general framework for mapping one sequence to another one using a neural network

  • Encoder network process a sentence symbol-by-symbol, produces a vector representation
  • Decoder network predicts the output symbol-by-symbol based on the encoder state

Machine Translation (MT)

  • the task of automatically translating sentences from one language (source) into another (target)
  • Labeled data = parallel texts, a.k.a. or bitexts. large text collections consisting of pairs of sentences from different languages that are translations of one another.

seq2seq for Machine Translation

  • Google replaced monolithic phrase-based MT models with neural MT models in 2016 (Wu et al., 2016)
  • "now the go-to framework for natural language generation tasks" - Sebastian Ruder in 2018
  • Various approaches to encoder & decoder networks

III. Encoder-decoder Models

Transduction — input sequences transformed into output sequences in a one-to-one fashion.

E.g. signal (energy) transduction from electricity to sound and vice versa - transducer

Encoder-decoder networks,

  • A.k.a. sequence-to-sequence models
  • capable of generating contextually appropriate, arbitrary length, output sequences.
  • Have been applied to a very wide range of applications including...
    • machine translation
    • summarization
    • question answering
    • dialogue modeling.

Key idea

  • an encoder network that takes an input sequence and creates a contextualized representation of it.
  • This representation is then passed to a decoderwhich generates a task-specific output sequence.
  • The encoder and decoder networks are typically implemented with the same architecture, often using recurrent networks
  • Trained in an end-to-end fashion for each application

Recall RNN

\begin{align} \mathbf h_t &= g(\mathbf U \mathbf h_{t−1}+\mathbf W \mathbf x_t) \\ \mathbf y_t &= f(\mathbf V \mathbf h_t) \\ \end{align}

MT using Language model

  • An early approach
  • concatenate source and target sentences into single sequence
  • with end of sentence marker in between - also predict when sentence translation ends
  • Train as autoregressive modelling
  • Use entire source sentence as prefix
  1. Apply RNN to generate dist over possible next words (softmax values)
  2. Choose word from dist (e.g. max likelihood)
  3. Feed word back in as next input (autoregressive) -- but use certain length "prefix" first

Recall must embed word when chosen for feedback

Encoder-Decoder Network - Simple initial architecture:


Basic RNN-based encoder-decoder architecture. The final hidden state of the encoder RNN serves as the context for the decoder in its role as $h_0$ in the decoder RNN

Encoder-Decoder Network - General architecture:

  • encoder and decoder can be different networks
  • context is a function of the vector of contextualized input representations and may be used by the decoder in a variety of ways


  • Can use simple RNNs, LSTMs, GRUs, convolutional networks, as well as transformer net-works (covered later)
  • Stacked architectures are the norm - a stack of Bi-LSTMs common
  • Output result for final hidden layer after $n$th input $\mathbf h_n^e$.

Encoder Networks

Typically RNN's


  • Deep LSTMs (Wu et al 2016)
  • Convolutional encoders (Kalchbrenner et al., 2016; Gehring et al 2017)
  • Transformer (Vaswani et al 2017)
  • Combined LSTM and Transformer (Chen et al 2018)


  • takes final hidden state of encoder as input $\mathbf h_n^e$
  • simplest idea - just pass it along to decoder as context $\mathbf c = \mathbf h_n^e$


  • Again use LSTMs or GRUs, in stacked architecture
  • Feedback states initialized with context $\mathbf h_0^{(d)} = c$ (rather than e.g. zeros)
  • Recursive decoder based on prior outputs and prior states only $\mathbf h_t^{(d)} = g(\hat{y}_{t-1},\mathbf h_{t-1}^{(d)})$
  • Network output is function of $\mathbf h_t^{(d)}$, e.g. softmax
  • improvement: rather than only using context for initialization, may continue passing it as a "carry" term $$\mathbf h_t^{(d)} = g(\hat{y}_{t-1},\mathbf h_{t-1}^{(d)},c)$$

II. Sequence Optimality Problem

Greedy versus Global Optimal

  • Greedily choosing decoder outputs -- at any step in sequence can pick most likely individual output -- may produce a sequence of most-likely outputs may not be very likely at all (e.g. "the the the")
  • Want way of preferentially getting likely sequences, as done with Markov models
  • Dynamic programming tricks to make this practical (like Viterbi decoding) can't be easily done here due to recurrent feedback of chosen outputs -- output distributions vary depending on prior sequence
  • View the decoding problem as a heuristic state-space search and systematically explore the space of possible outputs
  • Combin breadth-first-search strategy with a heuristic filter that scores each option and prunes the search space to stay within a fixed-size memory footprint
  • this memory size constraint is called the beam width $B$
  • At the first step of decoding, we select the $B$ best options from the softmax output $y$
  • Each option is scored with its correspondingprobability from the softmax output of the decoder.
  • At subsequent steps, each hypothesis is extended incrementally by being passed to distinct decoders (along with context and prior hidden states), which again generate a softmax over the entire vocabulary.
  • score subsequent hypotheses based on both word likelihood and likelihood of entire sequence thus far, discard all but top $B$ likely hypotheses
  • may need to normalize for sequence length differences when comparing

III. Applications Beyond Translation

Neural Chatbot

  • JM Chapter 24 (Dialog Systems and Chatbots), 24.1.2 - sequence to sequence chatbots

Adaptation of machine translation technique

Image Captioning as Machine Translation

Vinyals et al 2015



  • Loyola et al 2017, "A Neural Architecture for Generating Natural Language Descriptions from Source Code Changes"
  • automatically describe changes introduced in the source code of a program
  • Train from dataset of code-commits, which contains both the modifications and message introduced by an user


Lebret et al 2016, "Neural Text Generation from Structured Data with Application to the Biography Domain"

Input = fact tables, fact-table2vec embedding

Output = biographical sentences


Text2Grammar: Grammatical parsing

Vinyals et al 2015, "Grammar as a Foreign Language"

Convert parsing tree into a sequence, "linearizing the structure"


byte2span: Automated annotation

  • Gillick et al 2016, "Multilingual Language Processing From Bytes"
  • Reads text as bytes and outputs span annotations [start, length, label]

GO = "generate output" input

Use for Entity Recognition (NER), Semantic Role Labeling, other tasks